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2024 Global Engineering Deans Council
(GEDC) Industry Forum

Hosted by SUSTech College of Engineering, Shenzhen, China

14 - 17 January 2024


2024 GEDC Industry Forum Shenzhen, China

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A unique gathering for engineering leadership teams in academia and industry

The 2024 GEDC Industry Forum took place at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen from 14-17January 2024. The event gathered over 100 participants from 16 countries including global industry and stakeholder organisations as well as some of the world’s leading universities.

The event focussed on developing socially conscious engineering innovators, experts and leaders and explored 4 key themes: Skills & Talent, Educational Transformation, Discover &Innovation and Societal Impact. It was preceded by an interactive sustainability & innovation student challenge and Asian Deans workshop where AI was a key focus.


The journey: engage, collaborate, innovate

Following a workshop on teaching emerging technologies for Asian Engineering Deans, the GEDC Industry Forum kicked off on Sunday 14th January with an opening plenary and a warm welcome reception.

The ensuing days were packed with inspiring talks, interactive panels, and the innovative Dynamic Design Groups, where attendees don't just absorb knowledge—they co-create it. Outputs were presented in a unique and engaging team format enabling all participants to leave inspired, energised, and ready to act.

The event concluded with a dialogue among Deans to explore ‘East meets West and the Global South’ – in the changing geopolitical environment, how do we as educators and leaders continue to work collaboratively together?’.

Throughout the week, participants engaged in networking opportunities, meeting budding engineers and entrepreneurs from local and international student organisations, and benefited from business, cultural, and industry tours.



Skills & Talent
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Skills & Talent
How to navigate the impact of AI on our work

In an era defined by AI's transformative power, explore how universities, industry and stakeholders can work better together to understand and share today’s skill and competence needs as well as identify the emerging skills and competencies required in future engineers. Above all, we need to engage students to drive their own development, remain curious and continuously learn, with mechanisms in place for career-long upskilling and reskilling.

Educational Transformation
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Educational Transformation
Scaling work-based and immersive learning

Education is undergoing massive change and engineering education is no exception. We need to design new programs and innovative pedagogies, improve online and immersive learning, and optimize use of non-degree-credentials and modularity, even embracing entirely new ways of structuring higher education.

Discovery & Innovation
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Discovery & Innovation
Powerful global innovation ecosystems

Fundamental research underpins technology translation into impact. With Shenzhen setting a prime example, learn about models and methods to enhance research partnerships between universities, industry and government in dynamic innovation ecosystems for societal benefit.

Societal Impact
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Societal Impact
Embedding trust and ethics to address sustainability

In a world grappling with sustainability challenges, engineers must be equipped to act with social, economic, and environmental implications in mind. Educators, researchers, and employers should collaborate today to embed ethics, leadership, and a sustainability mindset into engineering education and research. Together with the next generation of engineers we will be powerful agents for positive change.


Dawn Bonfield (Online)
Professor of Practice, Engineering for Sustainable Development
King’s College London
Claudette Botros
Dean of Experts
Arani Chaudhuri (Online)
AI Library
Photo of George Eapen - Blue Ocean Awards
Stephanos George Eapen
International Director
Blue Ocean Awards
Sit Fung
Chief of IIOE Management Centre
Dr Jane Goodyer
Dean, Lassonde School of Engineering
York University
Xuefeng Gao
Chief Scientist
Shenzhen  Highpower Technology Co.,Ltd
Yongxin Guo
Executive Secretary
The Academy of Engineering, Singapore (SAEng)
Hans J Hoyer
Executive Director
Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC)
Amirpasha Javid
Director of Academic Partnerships
Dr Sushma Kulkarni (Online)
Vice Chancellor
NICMAR University
Prof. Thomas Kvan
Dean, School of Design
Dr Tanya Morton
Worldwide Director, Customer Success Engineering
Rhys Phillips (Online)
Change & Adoption Leader
Jiusan Qin
Chairman of the Board / CEO
Shenzhen Capchem Technology Co., Ltd.
Prof. Choon Fong Shih
Professor at NUS & Founding President
Prof. David Srolovitz
Dean of Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Dr Benjamin C.K. Tee
Vice Dean, Research & Technology,
College of Design & Engineering
National University of Singapore
Kirsten Williamson
Founder & CEO
Prof. Jinchao Xu
Professor of Applied Mathematics and
Computational Sciences
Dr Zhenghe Xu
Dean, College of Engineering
Dr Zhi Xu
Gold Sun Ltd
Qikun Xue
Bi Zhang
Associate Dean, College of Engineering
Lin Zhang
Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee (SZSTI)
Jia Zhuang
Deputy Director-General
China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC)


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