Join us in Cape Town, South Africa for the 2022 GEDC Industry Forum Dean & Industry Design Workshop.

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Developing Socially Conscious Engineering Innovators,
Experts and Leaders

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GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Fontainebleau event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Bucharest event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Fontainebleau event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Fontainebleau event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2017 Fontainebleau event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Bucharest event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2017 Fontainebleau event
GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Bucharest event
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Right arrow slider - GEDC Industry Forum photos


Building on 6 highly successful events to date, engineering and technology leaders from the private sector and education, NGOs and government gather in person and online over 4 days to reflect, exchange and propose solutions to critical issues in a unique, interactive format allowing every voice to be heard, and every idea expressed.



The Global Industry Forum leverages collective knowledge and experience, developing an influential, meaningful dialogue among participants. From socially conscious engineering and ethics to micro credentials and open innovation, the content and ideas which emerge from the event address the most important issues of our time.

See Resources

2024 EVENT

The 2024 Industry Forum was hosted by Southern University of Science and Technology, an innovation-oriented public university founded by China’s Shenzhen government. The event gathered over 100 participants from 16 countries including global industry and stakeholder organisations as well as some of the world’s leading universities.

Since 2017, Petrus have held uniquely interactive Industry Forum live events in partnership with...
Global Engineering Deans Council logo
SUSTech - Southern University of Science and technology logo
University of Pretoria logo
Technical University of Dresden
IGIP logo
CTI - Consulting Technology Information logo
McMaster University logo


Global Engineering Deans Council

Established in 2008, the mission of the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) is to serve as a global network of engineering deans and to leverage the collective strengths of the deans for the advancement of engineering education, research, and service to the global community. The four main arms of GEDC strategic plans are institutional leadership, curriculum leadership, policy leadership and accreditation leadership. The Council’s network includes over 500 leaders and stakeholders representing
over 40 countries from all continents.  


Petrus is a multi award-winning international design agency. We deliver impactful learning experiences and creative campaigns. We bring together companies, students, NGO sand universities worldwide for skills development, innovation, brand communications, recruitment and community engagement. We enable young people to fulfil their potential by making the many exciting opportunities the world holds more visible and more attainable. Petrus is a longstanding Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) member and partner.

Who Should attend?

Our highly engaged global community of stakeholders come from a wide range of engineering and technology specialisations across education and the private sector; from Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 100 leaders to dynamic tech start-ups. Typical participants include Rectors, Deans and Directors of Education; R&D or HR Directors, CEOs, Heads of Engineering, Innovation or Technology.


Global online community


Invited participants


Deans / Industry leaders


Countries represented


Gender balance


Of previous delegates would like to participate again


Core content

GEDC Industry Forum - 2017 Fontainebleau event

Inspirational Sessions

The Industry Forum was designed to gather inspiring experts AND to create a platform where a learned community of industry and academic leaders can come together to build on our collective experience.


Dora Smith

Senior Director, Global Academic Program, Siemens

A very unique opportunity for academic and industry leaders to engage on emerging trends and best practices in engineering education.

GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Fontainebleau event

Interactive Panels

Panelists representing industry, education, and the public sector, share their experience and insights on a topic relevant to one of the event themes. The panelists are deliberately chosen to represent a range of perspectives and their presentations are structured not simply to ‘inform’ participants but to stimulate discussion and debate among all attendees.


Lintuo Wu

Director of Global Partnership Program, Huawei

One of the benefits of the Industry Forum is to be connected to the elite circle of international engineering educators, to learn about the experiences of both industry partners and academia.

GEDC Industry Forum - 2019 Bucharest event

The Global Learning Expedition

The student voice is a key feature of the GEDC Industry Forum. Ahead of the 2020 event, a diverse and truly global cohort of 48 selected students worked together in teams to re-design how we learn, work and live in the future. The best student presentations were shared with Industry Forum delegates for inspiration.


Jenna Carpenter

Dean of School of Engineering, Campbell University

Truly unique and engaging. The Industry Forum provided a great platform for helping attendees truly get to know one another and share ideas, generate future collaborations and more.


Dave Wilson

Vice President, Product Marketing Academic, Customer Education, Software, National Instruments

The GEDC Industry Forum gave an excellent opportunity to discuss and generate ideas on how universities and industries can work together to better prepare students for their careers.

GEDC Industry Forum - 2017 Fontainebleau event

Dynamic Design Groups

Participants work collaboratively in groups, each of which is tasked with designing solutions to challenges identified under one of the event themes. Each design group presents their conclusions and recommendations to the whole audience at the end of the Forum.

GEDC Industry Forum - 2017 Fontainebleau event


Each design group delivers an engaging, creative presentation of their work. This is where we design the future together by agreeing on what recommendations to take forward.

why attend?

Thanks for JOINING US!

Dassault Systèmes - GEDC Industry Forum
University of Southern California  - GEDC Industry Forum
University of Waterloo  - GEDC Industry Forum
Gujarat Technological University - GEDC Industry Forum
University of British Columbia - GEDC Industry Forum
University of Pretoria - GEDC Industry Forum
University Of Sao Paulo - GEDC Industry Forum
UMBC - University of Maryland, Baltimore County logo - GEDC Industry Forum
Mathworks - GEDC Industry Forum
Huawei  - GEDC Industry Forum
Lassonde - GEDC Industry Forum
The University of Mew Mexico  - GEDC Industry Forum
Western University Canada - GEDC Industry Forum
University of Twente  - GEDC Industry Forum
Purdue University Nothwest  - GEDC Industry Forum
Illinois Tech  - GEDC Industry Forum
Campbell University  - GEDC Industry Forum
Queens University - GEDC Industry Forum
SCHULICH  - GEDC Industry Forum
ABET  - GEDC Industry Forum
Vedacit  - GEDC Industry Forum
Siemens - GEDC Industry Forum
Boeing  - GEDC Industry Forum


Mathworks - GEDC Industry Forum
Lassonde - GEDC Industry Forum
University Guleph  - GEDC Industry Forum
ArcelorMitall  - GEDC Industry Forum
The University of Mew Mexico  - GEDC Industry Forum
Covenant University  - GEDC Industry Forum
BUK - GEDC Industry Forum
Western University Canada - GEDC Industry Forum
University of Twente  - GEDC Industry Forum
University of Southern California  - GEDC Industry Forum
uphp  - GEDC Industry Forum
UC Davis  - GEDC Industry Forum
UPTC  - GEDC Industry Forum
Purdue University Nothwest  - GEDC Industry Forum
Pontificia de Chile  - GEDC Industry Forum
Illinois Tech  - GEDC Industry Forum
Campbell University  - GEDC Industry Forum
Ifees - GEDC Industry Forum
Queens University - GEDC Industry Forum
SCHULICH  - GEDC Industry Forum
ABET  - GEDC Industry Forum
Vedacit  - GEDC Industry Forum
Siemens - GEDC Industry Forum
Sabanci  - GEDC Industry Forum
Oracle - GEDC Industry Forum
Miele - GEDC Industry Forum
Boeing  - GEDC Industry Forum
Total - GEDC Industry Forum
ScriencesPo  - GEDC Industry Forum
Quanser - GEDC Industry Forum
McMaster University  - GEDC Industry Forum
George Mason - GEDC Industry Forum
Ambrose Alli University  - GEDC Industry Forum
Airbus - GEDC Industry Forum

Get involved

To maintain the highly interactive nature of the event which allows every voice to be heard, participation is by invitation only with the number of places available deliberately low. We’d be delighted to hear from more potential participants and contributors so if you would like to receive an invitation, please get in touch:

A small number of engaging, interactive sponsorship opportunities are available to support this initiative, our publications and outreach activity. Find out more here or contact:

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